Sometimes you just need numbers. Whether it’s to determine ROI of a purchase decision, meet print policy goals or communicate with shareholders, our calculator helps you quantify the number of trees, gallons of water and other savings gained from using our recycled papers.
Source: Environmental impact estimates related to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and smog formation are made using the results of a life cycle assessment on fine papers conducted by Sustana (Groupe AGÉCO) and reviewed by a third-party committee. For the potential savings associated with water use and wood use, they are calculated using respectively statistics provided by the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and data published on the Environmental Paper Network Calculator Version 4.0 (
It is estimated that 4 short tons of wood are needed for the production of 1 short ton (0.91 metric ton) of virgin paper (EPN, 2018). The production of paper from recycled paper can therefore help avoid the use of this quantity of virgin fiber. This quantity only includes the quantity of wood used for pulp and paper production.
One short ton of wood is equivalent to approximately 6 trees (average mix of hardwood and softwood). This calculation was performed by Conservatree, Environmental Defense Fund and Environmental Paper Network.
Scope of the indicator: This indicator only considers the resources needed (i.e. wood fiber) for the production of pulp and paper at the mill, not the total potential impacts over the life cycle of the paper.
Source: [EPN] Environmental Paper Network (2018). Environmental Paper Network Paper Calculator Version 4.0.
It is the quantity of processed water (treated, discharged and cooling) used at the paper mill.
The equivalent impact is expressed here as an equivalent quantity of water used for a 10-minute shower in North America (on average, a 1-minute shower uses 9.5 liters of water).
Scope of the indicator: This indicator only considers the water needed for the production of paper at the mill only, i.e. not over the life cycle of the paper. An inventory of the water consumed over the life cycle present a high level of uncertainty due to the lack of quality data for the upstream stages prior to the production of paper at the mill. The water use inventory for the Canadian mills was provided by the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC). The Canadian average includes mills that produce printing and writing paper, tissue paper and/or other products made from recycled or virgin fiber.
Sources: FPAC (2017). FPAC 2017 Energy and Environment Benchmarking Report – Pulp and Paper Sector.CMHC (2014). Household guide to water efficiency.
Energy purchased (electricity and other fuels) and energy from biomass (wood residues and black liquor that stems from the Kraft process).
The equivalent is represented either in:
It is the energy purchased (electricity and other fuels) and energy from biomass (wood residues and black liquor) consumed over the entire life cycle of the paper. Black liquor stems from the Kraft process. Energy is measured in gigajoule (GJ).
The equivalence is expressed as the quantity of 60W light bulbs used during one hour.
Scope of the indicator: This indicator considers the total potential impacts over the life cycle of the paper.
Source: Groupe AGÉCO. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Fine Paper: Sustana Enviro and Sustana Opaque with Generic Virgin and Recycled North American Papers.Â
Nitrogen oxides, NOx (NO and NO2) are combustion byproducts. They contribute to acid rain and can react with volatile organic compounds and sunlight in the lower atmosphere to form ozone, a key component of urban smog.
Nitrogen oxides, NOx (NO and NO2) and non-methane volatile organic compounds are combustion byproducts. Nitrogen oxides contribute to acid rain and can react with volatile organic compounds and sunlight in the lower atmosphere to form ozone, a key component of urban smog. The presence of chemical compounds is measured in terms of kg of non-methane volatile organic compounds equivalent (kg NMVOC eq.).
Scope of the indicator: This indicator considers the total potential impacts on photochemical ozone formation over the life cycle of the paper.
Sources: [SCLCI] Swiss Center for Life Cycle Inventories (2014) ecoinvent database v3.1. Groupe AGÉCO. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Fine Paper: Sustana Enviro and Sustana Opaque with Generic Virgin and Recycled North American Papers.Â
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