Sustana EnviroCopy™

Sustana EnviroCopy™, made with 100% sustainable recycled content, to reduce your environmental footprint. Its smooth finish provides consistently high-quality prints and copies, whether in black and white or color, every time with this environmentally friendly choice.

1 copy env friendly choice

The ultimate environmentally friendly choice

Sustana EnviroCopy™ is made with 100% sustainable recycled content and has the smallest environmental footprint of all office paper in North America. You can be confident you’re doing your part to reduce your own environmental footprint with your day-to-day work.

Laser guaranteed

Sustana EnviroCopy™ paper is laser guaranteed and formulated to be compatible with most office imaging equipment, including laser printers, desktop inkjet printers and copiers.

2 copy laser guaranteed

Certifications & Attributes

large 100
Recycle 100%
FSC C009908 Promotional Black EN cmyk
FSC® C009908
Logo Preferred By Nature
Preferred by Nature™
Ancient Forest Friendly EN cmyk
The Ancient Forest Friendly™
PCF New 2019
Process Chlorine Free
Permanent Paper
Garantie Laser
Garantie Laser

Downloads & Specifications

Specification Sheet Sustana EnviroCopy™ 

Using one short ton of Sustana EnviroCopy™ instead of virgin paper is the equivalent of saving:

Icon trees
gallons of water
lb of greenhouse
gas emissions

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We offer you a complete range of quality sustainable papers. Whether for brochures, books, or others, you will find the paper that is right for you. 

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