We define success not only by the quality of our products, services and our ability to meet our customers’ needs, but also by the effect our products, services and processes have on wildlife, people and the planet.
This means behaving responsibly, thinking strategically for the long term, and being good stewards of the shared resources that benefit communities and drive the economy.
Our fiber facilities process 2.2 million pounds of recycled material every day.
Sustana EnviroLife™ sustainable recycled fiber uses 9 times less water than non-recycled pulp.
Our three pillars
Environmental stewardship
We believe in behaving responsibly and being good stewards of the valuable resources that benefit people, drive the economy and belong to everyone. Stewardship is about keeping waste out of landfills and toxins out of the air; using only what we need as efficiently as we can. We apply that principal to every point in the sustainability journey – from day-to-day operations to strategic direction setting.
Thriving workplace and communities
Our renewable products are locally made, and we strive to support the people and communities who have helped make Sustana what it is today. From safety programs to education and youth initiatives, we are serious about employee safety and community involvement.
Circular value chain fiber recovery
In the circular economy, growth and responsible business practices go hand in hand. Fiber recovery and fiber sourcing from Sustana are a key component of our sustainable operations and long-term vision.
EcoVadis Gold Medal Sustainability Rating
We are proud to be part of the top 5% most responsible companies assessed by EcoVadis.
EcoVadis is a trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, providing detailed insight into environmental, social and ethical considerations.
Our latest assessment was completed in the summer of 2023.
Corporate commitments
UN Global Compact
Since 2022, Sustana has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
Call to Action ‘Nature is Everyone’s Business‘
Our future needs to be both net-zero and nature-positive – we’ve signed up to the Call to Action ‘Nature is Everyone’s Business’ calling on governments to adopt ambitious policies to reverse nature loss this decade.
Goals the planet can get behind
Looking to build a sustainability strategy that is collaborative, relevant and multi-sectoral, we have aligned our strategies and our operations on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework.