Pulp NonFiction™


The Paper and Packaging Podcast

Welcome to Pulp NonFiction: The Paper and Packaging Podcast, a monthly video podcast sponsored by Sustana Fiber. Join host Greg Johnson, Sustana Fiber’s Director of New Business Development and his co-host Dr. Marta Pazos, a leading sustainable packaging materials scientist, as they talk about trending topics involving sustainability with a variety of professionals all committed to helping develop the circular economy to improve our environment.

Packaging’s New Vanishing Act: Reducing PFAS & Food Waste with Claire Sand

Meet Claire Sand, the CEO of Packaging Technology and Research. Claire offers some fresh perspectives on how some new packaging coatings are being designed to help minimize PFAS in the food and beverage space, why significant food waste reduction is indeed possible thanks to newly developed packaging technologies as well as some simple consumer behavioral changes, how cellulose is experiencing a resurgence in both food and packaging circles, and much more!

The Handmade Décor Consumers Adore with Alicia Wallace

Alicia Wallace, the Co-Founder and CEO of All Across Africa, explores some of the popular consumer trends boosting growth in the handmade merchandise market, why using sustainable natural fibers like banana leaves and sweetgrass to make the company’s beautiful baskets, handbags, dining décor, and wall coverings is encouraging more farmers to embrace regenerative agricultural practices, how All Across Africa has managed to develop promising partnerships with premier brands including Disney, Nordstrom, Starbucks, and Target, and much more!

Understanding Packaging with Jay Singh

Dr. Jay Singh, a Packaging Professor at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, CA, and the Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Daksha Packaging Group unpacks some of the marketplace’s most pressing packaging problems like over-packaging along with some ideas on possible solutions. This episode offers an amazing package deal on why replacing single-use plastic packaging with paper-based alternatives can substantially reduce waste, what package engineers are doing to create a sensible balance between package functionality and sustainability, and much more!

How Packaging Design Can Shine with Vicki Strull

Vicki Strull, Principal of Vicki Strull Design in Atlanta, encourages us to think outside the box when it comes to understanding packaging’s primary purpose of selling products, why today’s marketplace increasingly values sustainable packaging materials like paper, how studying packaging “fails” can improve new packaging innovation, and much more!

Sustainable Hints on Print with Advertisers Printing’s John Heaney

John Heaney, SVP of Sales & Director of Sustainability at Advertisers Printing Company, provides a unique printer’s perspective on how environmental efforts like installing solar panels and employing a fleet of hybrid and EV delivery vehicles have contributed to his century old firm’s longevity, why recycled paper and packaging are increasingly valued in today’s B2C marketplace, how strategic direct mail programs are dynamically influencing consumer behavior, and much more!

The New Passion for Recycled Fashion with Junk Kouture’s Katie Brill

Katie Brill, Sr. VP Global PR & Communications at Junk Kouture, offers us a behind the runway view of their student fashion show competitions and how they nurture children’s creativity and confidence, why upcycled materials, like paper, are experiencing renewed popularity in apparel design, how sustainable clothes are starting to positively impact the fast fashion space, and much more!

Redefining Dinnertime with One Potato’s Rache Brand

Rache Brand, CEO of One Potato, a popular Los Angeles-based meal kit subscription service, and a partner in Star Strong Capital (SSC) serves up several helpings of the latest tasty trends in the meal kit space from how her kits are working to reduce our waistlines as well as plastic waste, what meal kit companies like One Potato are doing to incorporate more sustainable paper-based packaging materials, how intermittent fasting can improve our wellbeing, and much more!

Why Brands Are Getting Schooled with Sonoco FRESH’s Anne Barr & Clemson University’s Andrew Hurley

This episode includes two guests; Anne Barr of Sonoco FRESH and Dr. Andrew Hurley of Clemson University. Anne and Andrew provide some valuable lessons on a number of subjects from how packaging design can help reduce food waste, why brands need to measure their packaging’s environmental impact and use more recycled materials, how confusion over food and beverage labeling dates is wasting more than consumers’ patience, and much more!

How the Sports & Arts Scenes are Going Green with Kristen Fulmer, Oak View Group

Kristen Fulmer, a passionate environmentalist and the newly named Senior Director of Sustainability at the Oak View Group (OVG) in Los Angeles, provides us with a behind the scenes view of how Seattle’s Climate Pledge Arena’s “Rain to Rink” system results in “green ice,” what’s being done to engage more fans in recycling their paper cups and other recyclables at ballgames and concerts, how sports and entertainment venues are minimizing their energy usage and maximizing water conservation, and much more!

The Keys to Understanding ESG with Sara Zellner, Lynz Consulting

Dr. Sara Zellner, CEO of Lynz Consulting in Washington, D.C., provides us with an insightful overview of ESG policies and their influence on everything from the stock market to greenwashing, why choosing paper instead of plastic for single-use applications helps food and beverage businesses develop the circular economy, how exercise can dramatically alleviate stress and improve one’s mental health, and much more!

Exploring Science & Tech with Bill Peck, Regeneration.VC Board Member

Bill talks about his inspirational journey from working construction to earning a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta to becoming an expert in fluid mechanics, how the growth of fiber-based packaging is encouraging more recycling, what it’s like consulting with fellow board members like Academy Award winner Leonardo DiCaprio and General Wesley Clark on circular economy ventures, and much more!

Making the Case for Paper’s Place with Mary Anne Hansan, President, Paper & Packaging Board

Mary Anne Hansan, President of the Paper and Packaging Board, leads us on an exciting paper chase exploring why paper is now being favored over plastic for many single-use packaging applications, what kinds of recycling messaging consumers tend to gravitate towards, how the Paper and Packaging Board actively promotes paper’s sustainability story in unique and creative ways, and much more!

Sounding the Alarm About Plastic’s Harm with Christine Figgener, Director, Footprint Foundation

Christine Figgener, Director of Science & Education of the Footprint Foundation, takes us on a deep dive into what her research experiences exploring our oceans can teach us including the complexities of the multiple problems impacting our oceans like plastic waste, chemical pollution, and habitat destruction as well as some potential solutions, how U.S. brands’ implementation of sustainable packaging compares to other countries, what “plogging” is and how it can help us clean up our shorelines while getting in some good exercise, and much more!

Takin’ Care of Business the Green Way with Michelle Thatcher – CEO, U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce

Michelle Thatcher, CEO and Co-Founder of The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce is our April podcast guest. Michelle reveals some colorful insights into why companies that differentiate their brands by being “greener” attract more passionate employees (and customers), how the chamber’s new Business Exchange Network (BEN) program can minimize supply chain disruptions, what embracing traits like resiliency and determination does to inspire entrepreneurs to achieve success, and much more!

Fresh Food For Thought from Cat Neville, TV Producer & Host of tasteMAKERS

Our podcast guest in March is Cat Neville, the talented Producer & Host of the Emmy award-winning PBS television series tasteMAKERS. Cat serves up some tantalizing food for thought on why consumers continue to be fixated on food, how innovative brands are increasingly embracing recycled packaging, the positive impact of regenerative agricultural practices on artisanal and local food favorites, and much more!

The New Treat: Packaging You Can Eat with Dr. Yanyun Zhao, Professor at Oregon State University

February’s podcast guest is Dr. Yanyun Zhao, Professor in the Department of Food Science & Technology, Oregon State University (OSU). Dr. Zhao discusses her groundbreaking work developing edible food packaging and its exciting implications for food waste reduction, her latest research regarding water-resistant paperboard coatings, her helpful hints on how we can improve STEM curriculum in U.S. schools, and much more!

Pretty in Print with Cheree Berry – Founder and CEO of Cheree Berry Paper & Design

January’s podcast guest is Cheree Berry, founder and CEO of Cheree Berry Paper & Design. Cheree shares some interesting insights on what makes her renowned graphic design agency continue to flourish, the role that recycled paper plays in her stylish stationery, her rewarding experience working with the late Kate Spade, and more!

Uplifting Gift Giving: Presents with a Purpose with Melissa Sevy – Founder and CEO of Ethik Collective

December’s podcast guest is Melissa Sevy, founder and CEO of Ethik Collective. Melissa shares the heartwarming story of her unique handcrafted gift business that empowers economically challenged women as well as rescued sex-trafficked victims, her strong commitment to sourcing sustainably made products, how she’s survived the lingering global supply chain struggles, and more!

Think Outside the Bottle for Healthy and Sustainable Living with Julie Corbett – Founder of Ecologic Brands

November’s podcast guest is Julie Corbett, founder of Ecologic Brands and pioneer of paper bottle development in North America. Julie offers her thoughts and experiences about the increasing popularity of paper bottles, the ongoing limitations and recycling challenges of plastic and glass containers, some sound advice for would-be entrepreneurs, and more!

Examining Packaging with Thomas Fu – VP of Global Innovation, Sabert

October’s podcast guest is Thomas Fu, VP of Global Innovation at Sabert Corporation, a leading producer of food packaging including many recycled and recyclable products. Thomas talks about how specialty coffee led to the evolution of the coffee cup sleeve, some new fiber-based packaging trends, the importance of improving our recycling collection systems, and more!

Lights, Camera, Action: What Steps Hollywood is Taking to Help the Environment with Bonnie Wright – Actress & Eco-Activist

Our first podcast guest Bonnie Wright, the acclaimed actress and environmental activist who starred in the Harry Potter film series, brings to light what sustainability means to her and our environment.

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